Not even a month of school has passed and our class has already gotten to go on a field trip! For our first trip, we headed downtown to the Richmond Art Gallery. The Gallery is running a display right now about pollinators in our area. The purpose of the display is to raise awareness as to the danger pollinators are facing as honey bees and other pollinators are starting to disappear from different areas of the world.
The display in the gallery and subject for our workshop goes perfectly with our classroom theme this year. Bees! We spent a long time looking at the “art project” which covered the wall with over 10,000 laser cut bees. Somewhere among them was the queen! Eventually, we found her! She was about 25% larger than the rest of the bees.
After seeing all the displays in the gallery, we went into the project area. Here we got the create our own pollinator stamp by carving out sections of linoleum squares. The results were fantastic!
Our RAG leader for the gallery and activity was so impressed with our students. She mentioned several times how kind and helpful they were–several of them helped her clean up. When I met her a week later at a field trip fair, she recognized me immediately and began telling the people at the other booths how good our class was and how much she enjoyed having them. I was so proud of our class and the testimony they held while they were outside of the school.
Good Job, class!! Do it again when we go to the Britannia Mine in December!
–Miss Leonard