What it Means to be a Landscaper

Today the students learned about what it means to be a landscaper. In my previous life :), I was a landscaper, so it was fun to teach the kids a bit what I know about landscaping. They learned about the types of equipment and safety gear landscapers use. They now know that mowing lawns is a good first job for even 9 and 10 years old. I was able to show pictures of the different jobs landscapers can do such as, laying gravel, edging, laying sod, mowing, laying mulch etc. They also had fun trying on my ear and eye protective gear.



With integrity and excellence as our focus and goal, at BCA we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. From the humble beginnings of small homeschool group to a fully accredited school, we will continue to strive to provide the best environment we can for every student in our care.