Learning to Fish

All the students were super excited as we headed out for our ‘Learn to Fish’ field trip. The morning was filled with fun facts about fish, activities, including learning by hands on, to tie a fishing knot. After lunch the sun come out and we all headed out to stocked fishing ponds. Each of the students after doing a test cast were sent on their way to start fishing. Some we’re lucky enough to reel in a trout, others enjoyed learning about the patience of fishing and practiced their casting continually. Overall we had a wonderful day and were thankful the rain was held back.

Learning about Rainbow Trout

Excited to see baby Sturgeon

The part they were most excited about!! FISHING!

The girls were excited too!

Everyone was so attentive and respectful, I was so proud of them!

First time fishing ever!!

Learning to cast

Perfecting her casting skills!

Glad to have mom along!

Learning from dad!

Caught the first fish of his life!

Learning the patience of Job!

Focused on Fishing




With integrity and excellence as our focus and goal, at BCA we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. From the humble beginnings of small homeschool group to a fully accredited school, we will continue to strive to provide the best environment we can for every student in our care.