Mr Andes Grade 2/3 Classroom

Helping Mr. Andes Come Up with A GOAL!!

The students are learning on how to set goals for themselves. I told them how having a goal makes them feel like they have a purpose and without a purpose you will be aimless in life. Attached is a small video of the kids helping me set a goal for my own personal weight. They helped me set a goal of losing 25 pounds by the end of the school year. They gave me tips and ideas like exercising for 30 minutes/5 days a week, cutting out all sugars, sleep for 7-9 hours every night, being outside more in nature, and cutting out all desserts for the first whole month and Janek even suggested NO COFFEE!! Phew! So if you want to bring a treat for myself and Mrs. Andes, maybe just make sure its something healthy 😉


With integrity and excellence as our focus and goal, at BCA we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. From the humble beginnings of small homeschool group to a fully accredited school, we will continue to strive to provide the best environment we can for every student in our care.