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Grades Seven, Eight & Nine

While it is a milestone to graduate from grade six and move into grade seven, in many ways, it is like starting all over again for the students. As young adolescents, these students are re-learning how to control their emotions, focus their thoughts, and manage their time as well as learn new study habits for more intense courses. They are learning to stretch and practice using new-found wings that will eventual launch them into a life course uniquely their own.


Our teachers are dedicated to helping and encouraging our students through this beautiful but dangerous time in their lives. Students are taught to see and meet challenges as the personal stepping stones toward a more Godly character.


Student’s subjects include: Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Physical Education, Science, Health & Careers, Music, Information Technology, French, and Bible Studies.
Homework amounts average 45 – 60 minutes a night.


Grade Ten, Eleven, and Twelve

In grade ten, students begin to earn graduation credits. Although there are not many electives in grade ten, there is a new class that alters the routine they experienced in intermediate grades; Planning 10. In Planning 10, students discover tools that will help them manage, organize and enjoy everyday life, as well as their school career.


Most of what is done in life involves decisions that not only affect us as individuals but the world around us; therefore, students will be presented with strategies for making decisions and critically analyzing information as well as many opportunities to put these strategies into practice throughout this course. Much of the course components, including Finances and Relationships as well as other key areas are brought from a scriptural point of view. There are four components: graduation program requirements and course planning as well as an introduction to the Graduation Portfolio; education and career planning, health and finance.


Grade ten core subjects include: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Physical Education, Social Studies, Music, and Bible Studies as well as Planning 10. Homework amounts average 60 – 120 minutes a night.


Students in grade eleven and twelve have a bit more flexibility in choosing electives. At BCA, we offer a choice of electives ranging from: Physical Education, French, Spanish, Accounting 11, and Band as well as Shop & Home Economics. Core subjects include: Physics 11 or Biology 11, Precalculus 11 or Apprenticeship Math 11, Language Arts, Social Studies and Bible Studies.


With integrity and excellence as our focus and goal, at BCA we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. From the humble beginnings of small homeschool group to a fully accredited school, we will continue to strive to provide the best environment we can for every student in our care.