Welcome to our Classroom 2015-2016

Welcome to a New and Exiting year at BCA.  The grade 5/6 Class is kicking it off in style.  Our classroom theme this year is bees and we are trying to “Bee a Reflection of Christ”.  Feel free to “Buzz on in and check out our hive!”


Our classroom rules are:

Bee Positive

Bee Prepared

Bee Kind

Bee Respectful &

Bee Obedient


We are looking forward to enjoying all God’s blessings this year.  May it be the best year ever!!
–Miss Leonard


With integrity and excellence as our focus and goal, at BCA we strive to provide the best possible education for our students. From the humble beginnings of small homeschool group to a fully accredited school, we will continue to strive to provide the best environment we can for every student in our care.