Mr. Andes Grade 2/3 Classroom

Forgiveness: Word of the Week

This weeks word in Devotions is Forgiveness.

Bible Verse


Matthew 6:14-15 . For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Quote of Bro. Branham


“I need love, Lord. I need Your Spirit in my heart to make me that kind of a person—tender, kind, gentle, humble, forgiving—that’s what I want. And Lord, I’m bowing my head right before You now to say this, ‘Lord, change my life right now. I open myself up,’ and say, “Now, Lord, I’m nothing, but You change me.’ It’s got to be You.”
   59-0403 – Living, Dying, Buried, Rising, Coming


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